Tag: About Me

  • Writing for Granna

    We spent Thanksgiving lunch at my grandparents’ house for the first time I could remember since I was a child. For whatever reason, the holidays got celebrated in the days before or after the day marked on the calendar, or my grandparents would stop at our house on the way to see other family, or […]

  • Why I Write

    It was our third science teacher of the year. We sat in the corner room with the door-size window that let in what hint of light a Tennessee-gray sky provided in March. This teacher had grouped our desks into five sections around the room, as opposed to the rows our last teacher had instituted. She […]

  • A Little About Me

    Since I’ve revamped my blog and hope to see several new faces visiting in the near future, I thought it would be fun to fill out one of those cheesy getting to know you questionnaires we filled out as kids on the first day of school.