Tag: Characterization

  • Interview with a Nurse

    1). What has been your most memorable experience working in a hospital? (Feel free to include more than one.) When I delivered a baby in the elevator at [a local hospital]. I hadn’t even graduated nursing school yet (I had a year to go). That was terrifying. Working the ER at [a local hospital] and being the […]

  • Spewing Words

    Today’s work day was shockingly productive! I got the next five pages of my story done in an hour and a half. I also feel like the plot is starting to go somewhere, and I’m getting a better feel for all of the characters involved. In short, I feel good about these pages! Obviously they […]

  • Distracted

    I’m not really sure what to write for the blog. I have been overwhelmed with other things, like papers and and strep throat and rapidly approaching Valentine’s Day, that have kept me rather distracted. I think I have an idea for at least the next two pages of my story, though; I’ll include a section […]

  • Three Pages

    I accomplished a rough three pages of my project yesterday. I need to keep up/ increase the praying about my piece, because it’s definitely helping. (Not to say that these words are directly from God, but surely He’s doing something when unexpected answers show up while I write.) I had written down a rough two […]

  • Interview 1

    Interview with a former financial VP for a local hospital What is the title for housekeepers/ cleaners in a hospital? Would they be assigned wings/ wards or be everywhere as needed? Title: Environmental Services Assigned a floor/ wing/ section; some quick cleaners are hired to speed up the turnover between patients in at-capacity hospitals such […]

  • What Everyone Runs From

    For the week of 1/10/17 A list of possible characters and what they are running from: Dawson: his past (the loss of his parents; instead of building walls, he tries desperately to protect) Cadence: her past (her father’s overbearing control, her mother’s unhappiness) Needs more development Nurse Ann: heartbreak (avoids relationships so she can’t get hurt) […]