Welcome to aeiwrites.com! My name is Ashton E. Irby. I write books that engage faith and mental health for all ages. I have several projects in the works. One middle-grade novel discusses mental illness in kids. Another young adult novel grapples with spiritual gifts and spiritual warfare. Lastly, a friend gave me notes to turn into a study of the life of Paul.
My goal is and always will be to help people. When I was a middle school girl burying her nose in a book to avoid the awkward social interactions going on in the classroom around me, I decided that I would write books to provide an escape for people and give them hope. My mom spent those years attempting to pre-read everything in case there was something in it too strong for my young mind, but she couldn’t always keep up, and the real world isn’t a pretty place. So, I decided to write books that any age could read, but I still wanted to write well and honestly.
I’m blessed with many sources of inspiration for my writing! Between leading Toddler Time and writing camps at my local library, teaching preschoolers on Sunday mornings, and being surrounded by lovely men and women of faith, I learn something new every day that can improve my writing.

Ask Ashton – Quick Librarian Questions and Answers!
- What book would you recommend to an adult library patron in a reading slump? Try The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley!
- What is the great American novel? I vote The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- What do you look for in picture books for Toddler Time? While I try to choose a diverse range of topics, styles, and authors, I prefer to include at least one funny book every week!
- What book has the best last line? It’s a tie – The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne.