I’ve never excelled at dialogue. I much prefer writing descriptions to mimicking natural human speech. Maybe that’s because I’m not super comfortable with talking myself. Yet, good writing requires specific, unique voices for each character. This week, I decided to practice dialogue in that cozy Hallmark style.
The Characters
Ava handles the taxes for almost every person in her small town. There’s only one high-falutin’ business owner who doesn’t use Ava’s accounting services, but the rest of the town keeps Ava occupied. She never knows what crazy story will walk in the door next.
Beck assists Ava as the accountant’s secretary. Though Beck excels at organizing, she would rather perform on stage. At church, Beck tries every week to convince their pastor to reinstate an annual children’s musical production. Her success has been limited so far.
Dialogue Practice
Ava: Remind me why I came back here again?
Beck: Because you love your mama. (Beck pats Ava on the shoulder and hands her a list of her mom’s grocery needs.)

Ava: Doesn’t Mom realize we’re in a pandemic and tax season has been extended? Why can’t she learn how to do curbside pickup?
Beck: Because she was born in the stone ages, and the dinosaurs didn’t throw themselves on the roast for dinner. (Beck straightens papers on her desk and organizes files.) What do you know? Your mother’s a feminist! Sending out her daughter on the hunt for food.
Ava: If only. (Ava rubs her eyes.) Does nobody remember how to increase the font size anymore?
Beck: You forget, hon, you moved back to the post-stone ages. Anybody who knew how to increase the font size has left town by now. You should be grateful those documents aren’t handwritten!
Ava: (Ava smiles grimly.) Don’t worry. Mr. O’Connell’s are. And he sold a bunch of stocks to fund his retirement.
Beck: (Becks clucks sweetly.) Oh, but didn’t that RV he bought turn out nice?
Ava: Yeah, if you call spray-painted walls and an old rusty garden sink luxury living.

Beck: Yes, but now he can travel to Paris!
Ava: What, is the RV also a boat? How’s he gonna cross the Atlantic?
Beck: Oh, no, he’s going to Paris, Tennessee! They have that cute replica of the Eiffel Tower that lights up. And then he’s going to spend a few weeks fishing the lakes over there. Says he has homemade soap to ward off COIVD.
Ava: I hope you don’t mean Martha Graham’s homemade soap?
Beck: One and the same!
Ava: Well, that oughta smell pleasant after three weeks in the summer sun.
Writing Question
How do you make your writing sound natural? Comment your suggestions below!
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