I stumbled upon the Scottish belief in the Second Sight in October. The concept of the spiritual world and the physical world being intertwined fascinated me. After all, Paul describes spiritual warfare all the time in his letters to the churches. So, the idea of a character who could see both the spiritual and the physical world intrigued me. Hence, Catriona Scott was formed. Let’s meet the main character of my NaNoWriMo 2020 project.
Spiritual Warfare
If you believe in Jesus, you probably see 2020 as an absolute war zone for spiritual conflict. You might think a “worldwide pandemic” would be plenty. Yet, the challenges facing each country still continue. And that doesn’t even count the personal tragedies.

Thankfully, Paul had seen chaos and tragedy before. He’d even participated in it. He knew that more was at stake than comfort. The actions caused by our human brokenness risked our eternal souls. It was the constant war between Good and Evil.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12 ESV
So, what would the world look like to someone who could “see” this tension? How would that affect their choices?
Glowing People and Second Sight
I knew from experience that people who spoke with authority carried a certain “glow.” For instance, when my friend encourages me to live in truth and not succumb to my lazy desires, her whole face animates with life. Plus, even Moses’ face shone after he talked with the Lord (see Exodus 33-34.) So, what if everyone glowed when they used their God-given strengths and gifts?
First off, it would probably be pretty distracting. Cat has to sit through class and ignore the people turning brighter or darker. She has to feel a little bit crazy to “see” in a way that no one else does. Yet, that knowledge also allows her to encourage others in a unique way. Cat sees the inner battle that most people try to hide. She can speak with a confidence that only comes from God Himself.
So, while Cat can discern the spirits with her Second Sight, she plays a very different role from her best friend, the Prophetess. Where Daniela speaks of logistics and actions, Cat recognizes motivations.