First Ideas

For the week of 1/10/17

A synthesis of the ideas I worked on this past week:

  • The overall idea for the book follows a couple who run away from home, elope, and start working in a hospital. The male protagonist named Dawson could work as a security guard, while the female protagonist named Cadence could work in housekeeping. This storyline needs more development, which I hope to gain as a side effect of writing climactic events for my Practicum project.
  • The book will include anecdotes both in the hospital and in Franklin that explore the idea of running away. For the Practicum project, I would like to write about one particular event in the hospital when a homeless man comes, despite refusing the person paying for his care. He should be full of surprises, though. Perhaps he is homeless by choice to avoid conflict with his wife. Perhaps his wife is the one paying for his care. If not his wife, perhaps he is wealthier than the person paying for his care and that is why he refuses.
  • Another patient’s story, which should perhaps precede the aforementioned story, is a man running away from pain. In this instance, the man is running away literally: he  tries to run out of the hospital to avoid some painful treatment, like surgery or perhaps physical therapy. In light of this story, when the homeless man tries to wheel himself out of the hospital to avoid incurring a larger bill, Dawson might make a witty comment about the runaway patients.


