Saint Maybe

Thoughts on Saint Maybe by Anne Tyler

  • There is humor at the beginning in an overly serious tone. However, as the formality fades and the events of the novel fit the seriousness, the humor ends.
  • The book uses colloquial language that makes it feel more real.
  • There is high tension both internally for all of the characters and externally in their interpersonal relationships.
  • There is an interesting model of faith at the center of the novel. The “Church of the Second Chance” preaches redemption by works that is not orthodox but brings up interesting thoughts. Ultimately, as the church’s teachings start to pull the Bedloe family apart, there is a tension as to the role of faith.
  • There are different perspectives narrating each chapter that allow the novel to cover large spans of time. The children in particular mark the passing of time for the novel.


