Tag: Devotion

  • How Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz Overcame Depression

    According to verse 4, Naomi lost her husband and her two sons over the span of 10 years. She ran out of hope. She decides to return to Israel, but as shown by verses 19-21, Naomi is full of pain and despair. So, how does Naomi get from this place of hopelessness to a place of purpose at the end of the book?

  • How Hannah Coped with Depression in 1 Samuel 1

    How Hannah Coped with Depression in 1 Samuel 1

    Happy New Year, everyone! Today is the first day of my new devotional series on coping with mental illness in the church. To be honest, I’ve gotten progressively more nervous about writing these posts the closer it’s gotten to 2020. I take that as proof that this is what I’m meant to be doing. Prayers […]

  • Psalm 32 and Finding Your Voice

    When I was in middle school, I quit talking. This is how I start most conversations when people ask me to tell my story. I became a Christian at five years old, so I don’t have a crazy salvation story to share. I just have a story of hardship and God’s faithfulness, which one day […]

  • Psalm 31, Christmas, and Luke 23

    I opened to the Psalm for today and was struck by the title, “Into Your Hand I Commit My Spirit.” For some reason, the words echoed in my head in the voice of my college Bible professor. I could picture him standing at the front of the room, looking mildly uncomfortable in his jet black […]